Tref Penarth
Llwybr Treftadaeth Prosiect

This Page and related sub-pages are currently being created as part of the Penarth Town Heritage Trail Project. Please follow the main page and public announcements for updates.
Mae gan Dref Penarth lawer o bobl enwog a thirnodau/adeiladau yn gysylltiedig ag ef, ond dim llawer ohonyntPlaciau Glasmewn cydnabyddiaeth o honynt. Mewn gwirionedd dim ond un plac glas sydd ganddo, yn ogystal â dau blac di-las sy’n adnabod rhai o Benarthiaid adnabyddus (mae un ohonynt ar y tŷ anghywir!)
Rhan o Gam un y prosiect yw cynyddu'r nifer hwn. Un o feini prawf allweddol hyn fodd bynnag yw, er bod nifer o bobl nodedig ac adnabyddadwy y gellid eu hanrhydeddu gan un, mae yna hefyd nifer o bobl 'gyffredin' y gellid efallai eu cynnwys hefyd.
Mae enghreifftiau yn cynnwys Docwyr, Bydwragedd, Trimwyr Glo a mwy. Gyda chymaint o bobl heb eu cydnabod yn helpu i wneud y dref yr hyn y mae wedi dod, hoffem ddangos rhywfaint o werthfawrogiad iddynt hefyd.

Y Meini Prawf ar gyfer cael eich cynnwys ar y rhestr Plac Glas yw:
Rhaid eu bod yn farw
Rhaid bod yn ddiddorol
Rhaid bod wedi byw neu weithio yn y dref ar safle sy'n dal i fodoli (felly rydyn ni'n gosod y plac)
Byrddau Gwybodaeth
Mae'r canlynol yn rhestr o ymgeiswyr posibl ar gyfer Placiau Glas. Lle na roddir enw rydym yn chwilio am rywun o'r proffesiwn hwnnw y gellid ei gynnwys. Gellir ystyried ymgeiswyr nodedig eraill o broffesiynau eraill hefyd. Y nod yma yw nid yn unig tynnu sylw at yr unigolion mwyaf adnabyddus, ond hefyd y rhai a gafodd ddylanwad da dros y dref.

Annie Davies - Housemaid, killed on level crossing on Windsor Place
Barbara Middlehurst - Astronomer
Catherine Meazey - Benefactor
Constance Maillard - Benefactor, first female leader of PUDC
Edith Parnell - Swimmer
Elizabeth Sheppard-Jones - Writer of children's books
Emily Pickford - Musician
Emily Rose Bleaby - First woman to be elected in Penarth, Poor Law Guardian
Frances "Ma" Chaney - Colourful Character and "Bookmaker"
Gladys Morel-Gibbs - Benefactor
Hettie Millicent Mackenzie - Suffragette
Johanna Scott - Colourful Character
Kathleen Thomas - Swimmer, first to cross Channel
Mary Glynne - Actor
Mary Morgan - Benefactor, Financed Arcot Methodist church
Rosemary (Ray) Howard-Jones - Artist
A Seamstress
A Shop Owner
A Laundry Woman
A Midwife
A Boarding House Keeper
Solomon Andrews
Jack Bassett
PW Bernard
SA Brain
Marc Brunel
John Coates-Carter
John Crory
Dicky Garret
Ray Milland
George Norris
Joseph Parry
William Sadler
Henry Snell
George Roper
Rhingyll Samuel George Pearse
Cpn. Richard William Leslie Wain
Peter Freeman
Trimiwr Glo, / Gweithiwr Doc??
Unrhyw awgrymiadau eraill?
The above displayed lists do not currently include where we would like to display each plaque as we will not disclose it at this time. This aspect requires us not only consider how they would be displayed where applicable but also negotiate consent with the current owners of each location.
Full information about each of these individuals will be made available as the project progresses. You can find some information about some of them already on our website here.
Submitting Suggested Candidates
Names & Information about other suitable candidates can be submitted to us using the email address below. We will not only need their name & profession of the individual but also a brief history for why they are a suitable candidate as well as the name of an location they are prominently associated with (including both public & private, commercial and residential) upon which a plaque could be mounted. Dates associated with them such as date of birth & death and dates they used the said location also required.

Blue Plaque Recipient Template
[This section is currently in the design phase. Information will be hosted on two separate pages, one for men and one for women.]
Blue Plaque Ref No.
Name of Recipient
Date of Birth - Death
Date of Residence at Location (If known)
Reason for Nomination
Other Relevant Historical Information
Blue Plaque Location (Maplink)
Blue Plaque Installation Date
Links to any news articles about installation
Links to any further online reading (3rd party sites)
Blue Plaque (pre installation0
Blue Plaque in-situe (where permitted)
Other relevant photographs
Site Settings
Strip Colours (Pale Blue for Ladies and Pale Pink for Gentlemen (to use correct historical colour assignments not modern inversion).