Penarth Town
Heritage Trail
Project Timescale
~200M BC -1AD - 1200s - 1800s - 1840s - 1900s - 1984 - 1986 - 2000s -
2022 - Present Day
About The Project
In November 2021 we announced a campaign to establish a Heritage Trail in the town to celebrate the rich history of Penarth.
The project is designed to inform residents and visitors alike and will involve a series of Information Boards dotted around the town, Blue Plaques attached to buildings celebrating people of interest that are associated with the building, and QR codes which will lead users to a page on our website where there will be more detailed information on the buildings and people.
We are planning to feature not only the great and the good but also “normal” people such as dockers, coal trimmers, midwives, seafarers and shopkeepers… in other words the people who actually built or worked in the town and docks and gave it the rich heritage we are seeking to explore.
The creation of this project will involve a number of elements, both physical and online.
We have approached all schools and churches in the town, as well as various “Friends of...” (& similar) groups to ask them to be involved in building their relevant entry on the project. Local businesses will also be invited to contribute content to the project.
Vale of Glamorgan Council & Penarth Town Council have agreed to support the scheme and we are currently developing the text for the Boards and creating the list of Blue Plaque individuals.
We hope that you too will support the scheme, whether you are a resident of or visitor to Penarth, have some sort of association with the town &/ its history, or are just a curious individual who appreciates these types of projects.
If you would like to make any suggestions or comments, &/ be included on the mailing list for updates on the project as it progresses, then please email us using the address below.
We would love to hear from you.
If you would like to be added to our news mailing list, or have information &/ photos you think we would be useful for the project, please email:
Did You Know...?
This is not the first time we have been involved in the creation of a Town Trail, showcasing the history of Penarth
Click Here to see the original project from the last century and find out more about the PENARTH ORIGINAL TOWN TRAILS REVISITED project.
Dinosaur Footprints
We are planning to insert around 150 ceramic tiles stretching from the Italian Gardens to the end of the pavement by the Yacht Club. These will be facsimiles of the prints which can be found on the beach, spaced so that children can step from one tile to another and walk in the footprints of our earliest inhabitants towards the beach where the originals are.
Information Boards
Image above shows Draft Version #3 as of November 2023
(Click to enlarge)
We aim to position 28 Information Boards around Penarth Town that will display elements of the town's history. Each board will differ in the type of content displayed, depending on where it is situated.
A number of boards will show the local history of that particular area such as how it was developed, used and evolved. (e.g. The History of Glebe St).
Some boards will be themed to a particular topic (e.g. The Arrival of The Railway)
Some boards will have a number of different topics on them, such as local buildings or features, or noted persons of the town / local area. (e.g. Windsor Rd and The Windsors)
We will look to place each board in an easily accessible place (including, where possible, with inclusions for those with disabilities), scattered across the town. (Exact placement is currently TBD but will hopefully include within parks and as near to featured topics as possible).
Each board will consist of several panels of information and photographs, in both English and Welsh, and will also contain a QR code that links back to a page on this website associated with that board, where you will be able to find even more information. Some boards may also contain maps or information about how to follow the trail.
Final designs of the boards are still being decided (as we have to make certain considerations based on where they will be placed.
Boards' Content
& Proposed Locations
The following is a list of the proposed boards & their proposed locations. Note some board names may differ in final version.
The final location of each board is something that needs careful consideration and negotiation with various departments of the VoGC as each location will have certain restrictions regarding how a board can be placed.
First draft design of a Penarth Town Heritage Trail board (October 2022)
The images displayed here are merely mock-up examples of how each board could look.
Board Locations - Contents
(4 boards will hold the same information (History of Penarth). Board number order is not finalised)
Alexandra Park - History of Penarth
Alexandra Park - The Garden by the Sea
Alexandra Park - Prominent Penarthians
Belleview Park - Belle Vue/ Albert Road School/ Council Offices/ Post Office
Clifftop - History of Penarth
Coastguard Cottages - Lookout Tower/ Cottages/ Rescues/ Shipping Info/ Rocket
Cogan - Cogan
Cosmeston - Cement Works/ St Peter's Church/ Landfill/ Medieval Village/ Country Park
Esplanade - Pier/ Esplanade/ Holidaymakers & Beach/ Swimming Baths/ Tourism
Glebe Street - Penarth's first shopping Centre
Headlands School - Penarth Hotel/ Old fort/ Northcliffe and Uppercliffe Mansions/ Clive Arms
Italian Gardens - Italian Gardens/ Dinosaur Footprints/ RNLI/ Yacht Club/ Marconi
Kymin - Prominent Penarthians
Marina - Customs House and Docks/ The rise and fall of coal exports/ Cosmopolitan population
Marina - Empire and Colonialism
Marine Parade - Mansions and wealth
North Penarth - The first houses in Penarth and what they were like. St Paul's
Paget Road - The Americans
Paget Road - History of Penarth
Plassey Street - Holiest Street in town
St Augustine's - St Augustine's church and churchyard
Station - Arrival of the Railway and effect it had.
Town Centre - History of Penarth
Turner House - Roxburgh/ Turner House/ SA Brain
Windsor Road - New Shops/ Arcade/ Library/ Solomon Andrews
Victoria Square - Victoria Square/ All Saints/ Arts and Crafts architecture/ Victoria and Stanwell schools
Windsor Gardens - The Windsors
Zig Zag Path (St Joseph's Park) - Billybanks/ Zig Zag Path/ Arcot Triangle/ St Joseph's Church/ Dockers strike & Pilot
Specified siting locations not set. Board Titles may differ from those listed.
Blue Plaques
Penarth Town has a lot of famous people & landmarks/buildings associated with it, but not that many Blue Plaques in recognition of them. In fact it only has one blue plaque, as well as two non-blue plaques recognising certain well-known Penarthians (one of which is on the wrong house!)
Part of Phase one of the project is to increase this number. A key criteria of this however is that while there are a number of notable and recognisable people who could be honoured by one, there are also a number of 'ordinary' people who could perhaps also be included.
Examples include Dockers, Midwives, Coal Trimmers and more. With so many unrecognised people helping to make the town what it has become, we'd like to show them some appreciation too.
Left: Our current draft design of what a blue plaque could look like
Right: The only blue plaque in Penarth
The criteria for being included in the
Blue Plaque list is:
They must:
be Dead
be Interesting
have lived or worked in the town at a site that still exists (so we an mount the plaque)
Proposed Recipients
The following is a list of potential candidates for Blue Plaques. Where a name is not given we are seeking someone of that profession that could be included. Other notable candidates from other professions may also be considered. The goal here is to not only highlight the most well known individuals, but also those who also hade a good influence over the town.
Annie Davies - Housemaid, killed on level crossing on Windsor Place
Barbara Middlehurst - Astronomer
Catherine Meazey - Benefactor
Constance Maillard - Benefactor, first female leader of PUDC
Edith Parnell - Swimmer
Elizabeth Sheppard-Jones - Writer of children's books
Emily Culliford - Falsely accused of murder.
Emily Pickford - Musician
Emily Rose Bleaby - First woman to be elected in Penarth, Poor Law Guardian
Frances "Ma" Chaney - Colourful Character and "Bookmaker"
Gladys Morel-Gibbs - Benefactor
Hettie Milicent Mackenzie - Suffragette
Johanna Scott - Colourful Character
Kathleen Thomas - Swimmer, first to cross Channel
Mary Glynne - Actor
Mary Morgan - Benefactor, Financed Arcot Methodist church
Rosemary (Ray) Howard-Jones - Artist
C.E. Bernard - Town Planner
Dicky Garret - First Penarthian to play rugby for Wales
Edward 'Ted' Vizard - Footballer and Wales International
Frank Roper - Sculptor
George Norris - Politician
Henry Snell - Architect
Jack Bassett - Wales rugby Captain and British Lion
Jack Vincent - Penarth's last Hobbler
​John Batchelor - MP
John Coates Carter - Architect
John Cory - Shipowner
Joseph Parry - Composer
Marc Brunel - Engineer
Patsy O'Brien - Coal Trimmer
Peter Freeman - Maverick MP
Ray Milland - Actor
Cptn. Richard William Leslie Wain - Victoria Cross
Samuel Arthur ‘SA’ Brain - Brewer
Sgt. Samuel George Pearse - Victoria Cross
Solomon Andrews - Entrepreneur
Sir Tom Hopkinson - Publisher
Tommy "Dodd" Wallace - Stonemason and Salvationist
The above displayed lists do not currently include where we would like to display each plaque as we will not disclose it at this time. This aspect requires us not only consider how they would be displayed where applicable but also negotiate consent with the current owners of each location.
Full information about each of these individuals will be made available as the project progresses. You can find some information about some of them already on our website here.
Submitting Suggested Candidates
Names & Information about other suitable candidates can be submitted to us using the email address below. We will not only need their name & profession of the individual but also a brief history for why they are a suitable candidate as well as the name of an location they are prominently associated with (including both public & private, commercial and residential) upon which a plaque could be mounted. Dates associated with them such as date of birth & death and dates they used the said location also required.
(You do not need to seek permission from the proposed location at this time as this would be something we would do though a formal approach.)
J Saunders Lewis & Guy Gibson
Penarth's only existing Blue Plaque (J Saunders) is not part of this project, though we will look to include where applicable.
Guy Gibson is not currently included in the above nominations due to the [non-blue] plaque on No. 2 Archer Road (though it is Incorrectly placed as it should be No. 21 - Whether we will look to amend this error is TBD)
Site-less Nominees and Virtual Plaques
What about potential nominees who don't have an associated location?
It has not been decided yet as to whether to do 'online only' (virtual) plaques for people who could be nominated but do not have an associated building we can place a plaque on (either because the original building no-longer exists or where they worked was not a suitable site. This may be considered for phase 2 / 3, We are happy to still take nominations.
Future Nominations
At present we are not looking at or considering 'modern' individuals who could be nominated (now or in the future) and additional plaques will not be included in our initial funding bid & budgeting. This will have to be something we can look at after phase 3.
Interactive Elements
In order to make this project be more than just a number of static bits of material with writing and pictures on them scattered around the town, we are also looking to include some elements of interaction.
These Include:
Each board will contain at least one QR Code. This will link back to an associated page on this website where you'll be able to read more information, see more pictures and (with the right accessibility options) have the information read out to you.
QR Codes will also be placed near to each Blue Plaque to allow visitors to discover the information about the recipient on our website.
Stand Alone QR Codes
We area also exploring the possibility of placing just QR codes around the town at certain locations, that would give you a link to a feature in that location not covered by a board. This would be placed where we are unable to place a full board.
We calculate we will need around 125 codes.
All QR Codes will also have their associated weblink alongside for those who cannot scan them,
Audio Tours & Spoken Elements
At this stage of the development process this is merely an idea, though, thanks to one of our team members (see below) there are already some existing ways for how we could create this. The Audio aspect will also be something to aid those unable to read the signs.
Braille and other Accessibility Options
We want to make this project as include as possible, so we will be looking at what possible options we can use. This will include actions such as discussing with the sign-makers what we can add to assist with this. We will look to make all signs Bilingual English/Welsh.
(Note - for the Welsh version of these pages on our website, please go to the top of the page for the language selector)
Link back to the Original Town Walking Trails
Did you know there already some walking trails in existence? You'll find them here on our own website (as well as information about how they came about). Why not download them and take yourself on a local town tour with them.
Meet the Project Team
This project's creation and development is being undertaken by a number of our members who either have a good knowledge of the history of the town, or the useful skills to help bring this project to life.
They will also be working with and alongside individuals from other groups, organisations, etc. and the Vale of Glamorgan and Penarth Town Councils. More on them as the project progresses.
Dave Noble
In addition to being a PCS Committee Member, Dave is leading this project.
His tasks include coordinating the team, designing the look of the boards and plaques, sourcing funding, speaking with the various councils and local Community Groups and Organisations, and other important actions.
Dave's Presentation Events 2024
Penarth Library History Day - This Project,
Penarth Local History Society* Presentation on this project - Mon 12th Feb
PTHT Project Update at Penarth Library* - Wed 17th Jul
Sarah Salter
Sarah Salter has a background in creating interactive trails through UK towns and cities, so has good knowledge of the types of inclusions we can make, and the tools and resources we could use to help construct and run this project.
Sarah will help us to ensure the physical elements not only look practical, but are as accessible as possible.
Sarah's Presentation Events 2024
Dan Brown
As our IT/Web and tech man, Dan knows his way around websites, social media and other online features.
In addition to his task of translating much of the historical information into an online format for this website, he will also be helping to develop the links between the physical elements of our trail and the virtual ones.
Dan's Presentation Events 2024
Penarth Library History Day - This Project,
PCS' Exploring our Own History (PCS AGM)
PCS Exhibition Showcase 19th Sep
PLHS* Exploring their Archives - Mon 14th Oct
Jonathan Hicks
Jonathan Hicks is an award winning Military historian and novelist, and has written several biographies, non-fiction and fictional books based around the 1st and 2nd world wars.
He was also an English Teacher, and later headmaster of St Cyres School.
Jonathan's Presentation Events 2024
Bruce Wallace
Jonathan Hicks is an award winning Military historian and novelist, and has written several biographies, non-fiction and fictional books based around the 1st and 2nd world wars.
He was also an English Teacher, and later headmaster of St Cyres School.
Bruce Wallace Events 2024
PLHS 100yrs of Penarth Maritime History* - 9th Sep
Alan Thorne
Alan is a prominent authority on the local history of the town, holding an extensive and detailed knowledge about it, from its buildings (both well and lesser known) to its notable (and often characterful) people.
Alan (together with Chris) will put as much of this information as possible into this project,
Chris Riley
Chris likes to focus on the town's history pre 1900, and has extensive knowledge of things like the Victorian construction of the town and docks, as well as what the area was like before this.
Chris' Presentation Events 2024
Penarth Library History Day - How to Research History
PLHS* Talk - Mon 13th May
10 Buildings that Deserve a Plaque 16th May
St Peter's Church Event, Old Cogan - Sun 15 Sep
Other Contributors
Anne Evans (PCS Chair) - Proofreading, community & councils liaison
Chis Wyatt (PCS Membership Secretary) - Proofreading
Russell Todd (Sporting Heritage*) - Ted Vizard content
Cindy Howells (National Museum of Wales) - Dinosaur content
Marcus Payne (Penarth Library) - Library history reference materials
Project Funders, Collaborators and Co-operators.
This project could not exist with out the assistance of the following:
Penarth Civic Society, it's Members and Sub Groups.
This is a PCS project, created by us and our members.
Vale of Glamorgan Council:
VoGC Parks & Gardens Dept.
VogC Tourism Dept.
VoGC Highways Dept.
Other Departments TBC
Various Locations we would like to display at are owned/operated by...
Penarth Town Council
Historical Information & Support of both The Penarth Society / Civic Society throughout its existence, and this project.
The Citizens and Visitors of Penarth
For their support, information & assistance in getting this project going.
Project Funded by
Project Funded By
Last Page Update 06 Aug 24