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History Talk: Ray Howard-Jones: Welsh Artist - David Moore
History Talk: Ray Howard-Jones: Welsh Artist - David Moore

Thu, 18 Jan


St Augustine's Parish Hall

History Talk: Ray Howard-Jones: Welsh Artist - David Moore

Join historian David Moore as he speaks about this prominent Welsh artist with links to Penarth Ray Howard-Jones: Welsh woman artist of war, mosaics, islands and wild coast

Time & Location

18 Jan 2024, 19:00 – 20:30

St Augustine's Parish Hall, Albert Rd, Penarth CF64, UK

About the Event

Doors Open from 6:40pm

Refreshments available.

Entry Fees:

Members - Free*

Non Members 26+: £3

Non Members 18-25: £2

All tickets are RESERVE ONLINE & PAY ON THE DOOR! Cash & Card accepted.

* (Even if you are a member, please make sure you claim your tickets so we know attendance numbers and venue capacity.)

£Donations also accepted.

Please note for events in Jan, Feb & March we will not be taking new memberships for the 2023-2024 period, only 2024-2025 (Apr-Dec).


Ray, (1903-1996), was well known in Penarth at one time. She lived much of the first half of her life here. Swimming was a big part of her life and she learned to swim in Penarth Swimming Baths. Her guardian, Putty Purnell, was, in her youth, commodore of Penarth yacht club. She also designed the three-story mosaic 'An Eye for the People' on the 1959 Western Mail building (which was tragically destroyed in 2008). The Twentieth Century Society had listed it as one of the most significant post-war murals in Britain. Find out more at the talk.

You may also be interested to know that Ray supported the Campaign to save Penarth Swimming Baths (1984), which was one of the reasons the Penarth Society was formed. 


"I was brought up in Brentwood, Essex, studied geography at Keble College, University of Oxford, and historic Landscape resources at Aberystwyth University. I've worked in and with Welsh museums and art galleries since 1985, first with Pembrokeshire Museums and then, from 1992 until 2004, as curator of Brecknock Museum. Here I continued to improve the social history collection and established the art gallery, a programme of exhibitions featuring Welsh artists and, with support from Brecknock Art Trust which I founded with William Gibbs, greatly developed the regional art collection to include works by Josef Herman, David Jones, Eric Ravilious and numerous other significant artists. I live in Brecon and now spend most of my time writing about artists, artist groups and public art collections in Wales. My previous book was 'Art for Wales: The Legacy of Derek Williams' which celebrated 25 years of the Derek Williams Trust's support for the post-1900 art collection at Amgueddfa Cymru."

PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE (Including at the talk)

David''s illustrated biography of Ray is entitled: 'Ray Howard-Jones: My Hand is the Voice of the Sea' recently published by Bird Eye Books, an imprint of Graffeg. It costs £35 but includes 250 photographs and a substantial text. Copies will be available to purchase at the talk.

Cash, cheques or bank details but not credit cards. It may also be ordered from your local bookshop or direct from"



  • PCS [Regular] Event Entry

    RESERVE ONLINE - PAY ON THE DOOR (Cash or Card): Members - FREE Non Members 18-25: £2, (Proof of age required on entry) 26+: £3 Under 18s: Free (Must be accompanied by an adult).

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