Gift Membership
Membership Fees
Fees - Full year
Single age 26+ = £12.00
Single age18-25 = £8.00
Joint age 26+ = £18.00
This page enables you to select from a range of Gift Membership applications for someone else. These can be for a single Adult membership, a Joint Membership, or a Single Young Person age 18 to 25. Recipients must be current non-members of the Society. Gift Membership is only available via online applications using Paypal, credit or debit card.
A full year's membership runs from the date selected as the joining date to the first day of the same month in the following year.
So, for example, if the date of joining was specified as 14th June, the renewal date will be the 1st June in the following year, meaning only a portion of days within the joining month will be lost.
Adult Membership, both Individual and Joint, is for people of 26 and over.
Young Person Membership provides an opportunity to join or renew membership for people between 18 and 25.
This page should only be used for Gift Memberships, not for anyone joing the Society themselves.
Further details are contained on each of the Membership Forms below
Benefits of Membership
Free entry into many of our talks & other events (excludes special events and those run by a third party on our behalf where an inclusion/entry fee is charged by them).
Regular updates of Society activity and items of special interest emailed to all members.
Advance Notifications of upcoming events and opportunities you can participate in.
Option to get Involved in various projects and activities of ourselves, and our sub-groups. Learn new skills & knowledge &/ apply your own skills and knowledge to help us.
Social interactions with other, like-minded persons.
The chance to help protect the history and heritage of our town, while at the same time shaping its future to include this and the needs of modern Penarthians.
Your fee will help fund some of the above so we can continue to provide them.
Please note that you do not need to join the Society to participate in one of our sub-groups, although we would obviously like you to become a full member. But please note that being in a sub-group as a non-member does not entitle you to the benefits listed above. However, as a member, the option to join one or more of our sub-groups is, of course, open to you and your help will be very much appreciated.

Contacting Members
In the modern world our primary method of communication with our members is via email. For members without an email address or those who would like this preferred method we send information to their physical address. We will not generally contact our members by mobile/landline unless there are specific reasons to do so (e.g. to send a payment link).
Things We Send:
New Member Welcome Info
Details and reminders about our upcoming events
Regular updates of Society activity and items of special interest emailed to all members.
Remote Payment Links (Email or Mobile No only.)
Membership Renewal Reminders
AGM invite and Voting information
Information about upcoming projects and how you can get involved
Other Information relevant to us.
If you wish to change your method of contact or opt out of certain communications please Contact Us